Ordenens direktør, besøker på nytt Georgia for å diskutere mulighetene for samarbeid mellom Norge og Georgia på rehabiliteringstjenester.

The director of the Order, visiting again Georgia to discuss the possibilities for cooperation between Norway and Georgia on rehabilitation services.

Det ble avholdt møte med landets helseminister Mr. Valeri Kvartayskhelia og en statssekretær Mr. David Chitaia

A meeting was held with the country’s Minister of Health Mr. Valeri Kvaratskhelia and State Secretary Mr. David Chitai

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Det ble avholdt møter med landets kultur- og turistminister Mr. George Chogavadze

Meetings were held with the country’s culture and tourism minister Mr. George Chogavadze


Det ble også avholdt et økumenisk møte med den georgiske kirke ved Biskop Theodore Chuadze, Vise Patriark for den georgiske kirke

There was also held an ecumenical meeting with the Georgian church by Bishop Theodore Chuadze, Deputy Patriarch of the Georgian Church



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